Process & Pricing


What does a typical shoot look like?
Great photos are natural and organic; and natural and organic moments take time. I always recommend we spend at least 3 hours together to allow plenty of time for your family to adjust to me and my camera. We'll spend the first moments simply getting to know each other better, helping your children get accustomed to me, and talking about the day. From then on it's incredibly straightforward- we hang out together as you and your family do whatever you've chosen for the day. Throughout the course of the session, I might suggest the occasional positioning shift for better lighting, to pause for a moment, or something similar. But by and large, I'll be focused on helping everyone to feel relaxed and even joining in on the fun.
What should I wear?
Whatever the heck you want! The purpose of these sessions is to capture your life as it really is, without any extra pomp and fanfare. If you dress up regularly, go for it. If you're more of a flannel and jeans person, that's even better. The bottom line is that you feel natural and relaxed, able to focus your full attention on your family instead of the photo session itself.
But my life is so boring; shouldn't we do something exciting?
Everyday life is the unfolding of your most important story. It may feel uneventful, but I assure you that there are incredibly beautiful and poignant moments happening constantly throughout. This is why families trust me with documenting their stories- to me, there are no mundane family moments. If there's a special occasion you'd like to capture, that's great as well. Birthday parties, holidays, and special family outings make for great dynamic scenes too! But don't feel like you need to structure an event simply to justify the session; everyday life is where we most let our guard down and interactions shine the brightest.
My partner's not so sure about the time commitment...
The important thing to remember is that you're not expected to be doing anything differently than your normal life; you'll simply have an extra guest hanging out with a camera. If your partner's uneasy with the idea of a multi-hour photoshoot, encourage them to think of this just another playdate with the family. I promise, you will not be sitting stiff-backed in front of a green screen for hours on end (unless you ask for it.)
Should I feed you?
I'm a low-maintenance guest! If you're having a meal during our session I'd love to be able to join in, as I find this always helps to set a nice, casual tone for everyone. But I don't formally expect or require to be fed.
What if my kid throws a tantrum?
Bring it on! My goal is to reflect back to you the authentic beauty of your life, but not to make it seem miserable. Sometimes there are hard moments- these are the times that our love and support for our little ones shines the brightest. Breathe through it, be yourself, and allow the tears to flow. And not to worry, as a father of two tempestuous kids myself, I'm well accustomed to weathering the mood swings of little ones without judgement. Our little humans are just trying to figure this whole life thing out, too.

What to expect


Get in touch

Submit an inquiry with your questions and/or vision, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you're unsure of what you're looking for don't worry- I'll guide you through it.



To get to know each other and your desires for your session, we'll correspond and develop a shared concept.

Based on our discussion, I'll prepare and a customized package proposal just for you.


Picture time

After choosing a location, set of activities, and date, we'll meet up to capture our shared vision.

With a friendly and non-intrusive style, my camera and I will fade into the background so your life can unfold naturally.



In 3-5 weeks, you will receive your edited digital photographs, along with one-click ordering of prints and albums.

You'll also receive access to high-resolution files for direct printing and sharing with loved ones.

My Philosophy

My philosophy is simple: life is breathtaking yet fleeting, love is fundamental, and photography is the closest thing we have to a time machine.  

As a photographer, my primary duty is to be present. To feel what you feel, to notice the meaningful minutiae, and to capture your unique experience in a way that can instantly put you in direct contact with those feelings, forever.

My style stems from roots in nonfiction filmmaking and street photography. Formally trained with a BA in Film and Photography, my career has wound through such roles as director of photography in both nonfiction and commercial projects, documentary television editor, and even the founder of a boutique analog print studio with my wife. 

I was captivated early on by documentary imagery and its power to not only elicit authentic emotions but also its unique ability to transport people to the past.

Today, not only does my fascination with the art form itself continue to grow, but my photographic practice has evolved to become a priceless personal experience: repeated opportunities to deeply immerse myself in the present. 

And let’s be honest- in this chaotic era, being more present is something we can all benefit from.

This is the real secret of life —

to be completely engaged
with what you are doing
in the here and now. 

And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.

-Alan Watts


Family photo sessions start at $750.

Reach out to build your package.


The Family Archive

AN art form lost to the digital era

In times past, families meticulously curated physical albums, encapsulating their histories and milestones in a tangible form. Documenting your family's journey through life was artful and intentional. In recent decades, the essence of this archival practice has undergone a paradigm shift.

The scattered nature of smartphone photography challenges the traditional process of building a cohesive family narrative, altering how we perceive and preserve the visual tapestry of our familial journey.